Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday afternoon and feeling a little better

The IV fluids on Saturday morning seemed to make a difference or he is over the hump from the chemotherapy because he was eating and drinking in small amounts and he was more social -- laying at our feet vs lying/hiding under the bed.  He still had terrible diarrhea but he's was not leaking. Instead he was going outside every hour or so, trying to have a BM and then scooting on the lawn. Last night I sleep on the couch with the back door open so he could go in and out as needed.  He managed about 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep towards the morning. 

Today is about the same -- still very lethargic, eating small amounts of food and drinking water. His diarrhea has slowed to about every 2 hours.

Tomorrow I will talk with the oncologist's office regarding Burke's reaction. I don't want Burke to go through this again but I want him to continue to receiving treatment if it will help him. Does that make sense?  This will all be worth it if Burke's cancer goes into remission and he can once again enjoy life.

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